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The Tale of Time
Time flies, childhood flees and the lost time is nowhere to find. All we need to do is to keep moving on and to make the most of our life.

Stanley Lo
Stanley is enthusiastic about photography, especially in documentary photography. He likes taking documentary photos of people of different cultures and backgrounds, as a means to encourage self-examination. Stanley is the registered artist of Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong and member of the Photographic Club for the Deaf. He also teaches photography classes.
羅國華熱愛攝影,擅于紀實拍攝。 透過鏡頭,捕捉社會百態,記錄不同的人民生活實況,紀錄每一個真實的點滴,引人反思。現為香港展能藝術會註冊藝術家及為香港聾福會聾影社社員,亦有教授攝影班。
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